Adela García Aracil
Dr Adela García-Aracil is a Scientist Research of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) at the Institute of Innovation and Knowledge Management, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV). She is Public Sector Specialist with extensive experience in the empirical analysis of the role of universities and their contribution to regional socio-economic development, their relationships with industry, and the way in which they develop and promote human capital competencies. From 1999 to 2001, she worked at the World Bank in the Social Human Development Department and since then she collaborates with the World Bank as an External Consultant. Her parallel active participation in the REFLEX and CHEERS projects (FP6 and FP4, respectively), bolstered her interest in analysing surpluses and deficits in human capital competencies. Later, she incorporated in INGENIO (2001-actually) and since then, she has demonstrated her scientific leadership qualities, and acted as national coordinator of international multi-country projects and research contracts. Main project coordinator of the FOSTERC Erasmus+ project (Oct. 2016- April 2020) and SUISIA project (January 2019- Sept. 2022), supported by the R&D National Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref. EDU-RTI2018-101722-B-I00) , focusing her research on the university-community engagement in addressing social needs and sustainable issues, definition of learning outcomes to empower the youth and girls. She has published several articles related to the domain of the project in the following international refereed journal Higher Education, Active Learning in Higher Education, Research Policy, Regional Studies, Scientometrics and World Development, among others.